Saturday, November 5, 2011

Truth or Myth: The Faster the Car, the More Accident Prone the Driver Is | Automotive Parts Suppliers

Speeding CarYour usually-dependable memory fails you at the worst possible time when it reminds you that you’re three hours away from a wedding ceremony that’s about to start in two. Because you’re the only representative of your family, you panic in the thought that you cannot miss the ceremony. After a quick shower, you grab and wear the nearest formal outfit as you race to your car. Almost tripping, you think to yourself “Great, the drive there will take about two hours. I should hurry.” And so you did.

Now I hope you also instinctively thought about what you were getting into! In as much as you are urgently needed somewhere, the faster the speed of the car, the riskier it is for you (and possibly your passengers too!). Most of the reported car accidents are due to speeding. When you think about it, it’s kind of self explanatory. But hey, it’s better to be well-informed. Better safe than sorry, they say.


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