Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Appeal of a Huge Truck

big_truckIn times like these why is it that anyone would still be rollin around in something that gets 9 MPG? It does seem a little insane that the fuel pump pulls that much fuel. It seems like the truck needs to waste gas just to activate the power steering gear box. Well we all love our cars and some of us feel more secure in a big vehicle. Many of us have heard the phrase small girl, big truck but what makes it so?
In a small fuel efficient car such as a Prius or Leaf you may save on gas but you sit low on the road. Most of us want to feel like we are in power, high up looking over the whole road. The feeling of” I am in control of everything around” is a nice feeling. When you’re the biggest thing on the road you feel like other drivers mistakes cannot hurt you.  Is this true? Of course not…being so high up means you are more top heavy and have a slower reactiongas_guzzler time. Slower reaction time means you are more likely to have an accident.
Trucks are one of the few gas guzzlers that will stay with us for a long time, work trucks and personal trucks are just good to have. I mean come on we all have that one friend who gets drafted anytime someone moves. As a nation we love our SUVs but there comes a point where gas is sooo much that it is just pointless to drive something so large. A few days ago someone drove past me in a H2, 8 MPG on the highway and we are in California. Gas is almost $5 a gallon here, they must have a lot of love for that car or maybe no one wants to buy it from them.


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