Saturday, December 22, 2007


Anonymous: "Crysis is a game that has the ridiculous computer requirements! I heard it's fantastic!"
Elaine: "Hah! The game play or the graphics?"
Anonymous: "Good question!"

Downloading the demo to make sure it works on my computer before buying the actual game is the right thing to do. To be honest, first person shooter is not exactly the kinda thing I fancy, but I had to do this for the sake of the famous game, Crysis-the-game-only-state-of-the-art-pc-can-play.

Not baaaaaad after all. I didn't quite like the part where Nomad's armor is ZERO under water and can't breathe. At first I had no idea what went wrong and his health was deteriorating.

Nomad: "mmmPh! mmhPH! mMMPH! MmmPmh!"

Heyy!!! I think he's having a fit underwater!! Shit! What should I do?

Anonymous: Errr... I think he needs to breathe.



Monday, December 3, 2007

Australian White Tailed Spider in my house

Just as I thought my "Widow" is looking hungry... She isn't as fat as she was before. I planned to catch another spider for her.

This morning:

At 6am in the morning while going for number 1, I saw a spider (size: approximately 18mm) in the cat litter box.
Didn't think it was great to leave it there where the cats will be I sacrificed my "Widow" chopsticks... grabbed the spider... tossed it into my Widow's play pen.
I looked closer to identify what spider it is... Perhaps a House spider?

FFS... I just sent my Widow to hell. It's an Australian White Tailed Spider. To be honest, I do not know who will die of whose venomous bite. As for us humans, Australian Redback Spider's (also known as the Black Widow) bites are dangerous but there is antidote for those who are bitten.
White tailed spiders... unfortunate to us in Australia, are one of those which we DO NOT HAVE ANTIDOTE.

This is what I've researched so far:

Habitat and Biology [Link]

Webs consist of a tangled, funnel-like upper retreat area from which vertical, sticky catching threads run to ground attachments. The Redback Spider favours proximity to human habitation, with webs being built in dry, sheltered sites, such as among rocks, in logs, shrubs, junk-piles, sheds, or toilets. Redback Spiders are less common in winter months. Daddy-long-legs Spiders and White-tailed Spiders are known to catch and kill Redback Spiders.

She is dooooomed!
Who do you think will win? I would have just died if I weren't careful. Sheesh...

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