I officially announced the 14th July as Malaysian Blogger's Day!
I'm coming back all the way from Australia and I'm organising a Blogger's Night Out to meet all of you bloggers on this very special day! Everyone is invited!! Non bloggers too! Special invitations to top bloggers of Malaysia will be sent as soon as I touch down in Malaysia! I'm soo happy!
Would you please leave a comment with your name and link? It'll be good if I have an approximate list of confirmed attendees. All the names on this list will have to be there! LOL!
Special guests of the evening:I love to organise parties and love social gatherings. This will be great!socialising virtually and in reality, which do you prefer?I think that's for now..still planning for more activities since now I have more sponsors! Maybe have top bloggers talk about their success :)
- Hypertune Models & Crew!
- Malaysian Bloggers!
Merchandise and magazines will be available too!
I don't see why you need more reasons to join us...because:
- I'll be bringing my Nintendo Wii (for those who has Wii please do save your Miis in the remote and bring it along!
- Friendster Cafe is a WiFi HotSpot! Bring your laptops and blog if you may!
- I'll be bringing my Nintendo DS if anyone wants to hook up with my Nintendo DS for a game of Super Mario
- got more...wait k! I'll update soon after speaking to sponsors about *whisper* "free drinks!"
Nuff sed?
VENUE : Friendster Cafe [Damansara Perdana]
LG01 & 01A, Plaza Emerald
Jalan PJU 8/3A, Damansara Perdana.
47820 Petaling Jaya. Selangor Darul Ehsan

Smaller Map (Click to Enlarge)

Bigger Map (Click to Enlarge)
DATE : 14th July!
TIME: 8PM 'til late! (psst! there's an after party too!)THEME: Cancelled
FEMALES (What happened to all the female bloggers?! LoL!) - Elaine Tan - miccobayb
- Natalie Fong Jean - budderflyx (Thank you, Love!)
- Chian Hoon [hot non-blogger]
- Zee Zee - Zynamic Gala
- Michelle Yap [hot non-blogger]
- Cheryl [hot non-blogger]
- kinkyjasmine - Link
- Angel Valerie - Link
- Alice Stephanie - DejaVu World
- Princess Shin - Link
- Deng - Link
- Jean Chia - Link
- Cherrie - aprilcherrie
- hweeching - Link
- Jane - PrincessLadyJane
- Jen - jennihsurf
- Sue - Link
- Sylvia - Link
- Stephanie - Link
- Cheryl - Link
Do I include Models in this list? Nope...they are "special guests" with Hypertune!

MALES- Tim - reverendtimothy
- Victor Tan - The Whisky Club (and the girls featured in The Whisky Club!)
- Daniel Franklins - Gallivanter
- Johnson Teoh - johnsonteoh
- Adrian Wee - hamster
- Vanilla Sky
- FengY
- Jerry Ong
- Kenny Ng - kenny-ng (Planning to have a gig, *smiLe*)
- CKYeo - Sky Keep You
- Alex [charming non-blogger]
- XetaJones - Link
- Rauff - Link
- Jerry Ong - Link
- Cedric Ang - Link
- Jerry Ong - Link
- James Chiew - Link
- Jing & Simon Peter- Link
- KY - Link
- bongkerz - Link
- Thomas Yap - Link
- Melvin Foong - Link
- Aaron - Axial
- Xbrian - Link
- ShawnKid - Link
- Budiey - Link
- WetWetWater - SapSapSui
- David - Our Magician
- Khairul - Link
- Aiman - Link
- smashpOp - Link
- Frankie - Link (I'm sure coming down to KL for a weekend is not a bad idea!)
- NKtheWoofer - Link
- Louis Lim - Link
- Zewt - As Zewt as it gets
- Yatz - jenkinyat
- John Wong - [very hot non-blogger] lol! that good enough?
- Chuan - Link
- Junn - Link
- KA® - Link
- Tim Danker - Link
- Nick Tay - Link (and HAWT friend)
- Desmond - Link (and friends)
- Brave Maverick - Link
- Alvin - Link
- Noorizam Shah - Link
- Mr. Andrew Boey - Link (and Wife!)
- Benson - Link (and friend)
- Mikemmery - Link (Voluntary Sponsor)
Guys and Girls, Please help with advertising Malaysian Blogger's Day for the first time! Blog it too and invite your readers! Thanks for the Diggs too!
Main Sponsor : Advertlets.com
Venue Sponsor : Friendster Cafe
Special Guest : Hypertune